
Our mission is to help your company succeed

Embrace the Reputation Bolt advantage and witness the transformative power of a strong online reputation. Get started today and propel your business to new heights in the digital realm!

Trusted by the most innovative companies worldwide


Reputation Bolt’s Analytics and Reporting features provide you with powerful insights into your online reputation, customer sentiment, and market trends. Here’s an overview of the key functionalities and examples of reports and insights you can expect:

1. Performance Dashboard:

A centralized dashboard offering real-time metrics, providing an at-a-glance overview of your online reputation performance.

2. Review Trends:

Visualize the trends in the frequency and sentiment of reviews over time, helping you understand the impact of your reputation management efforts.

3. Source Analysis:

Identify the platforms or sources where your reviews are most prevalent. Gain insights into which channels contribute most significantly to your online reputation.

4. Customer Sentiment Analysis:

Analyze the sentiment of customer reviews, categorizing them as positive, negative, or neutral. Understand the emotional tone behind customer feedback.

5. Review Response Times:

Track and analyze the average time it takes for your team to respond to reviews. Optimize response times to enhance customer satisfaction.

6. Review Engagement Metrics:

Measure user engagement with your reviews, including the number of views, likes, and shares. Identify which reviews resonate most with your audience.

7. Competitor Benchmarking:

Compare your online reputation metrics with those of your competitors. Gain valuable insights into areas where you excel or areas that may need improvement.

8. Keyword Analysis:

Identify recurring keywords or phrases in customer reviews. Understand the key themes and topics that customers associate with your brand.

9. Conversion Tracking:

Link reputation metrics to key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website visits, conversions, and sales. Understand the impact of your online reputation on business outcomes.

Example Reports and Insights:

  1. Monthly Reputation Overview Report:

    Summarizes key metrics such as overall rating, review volume, and sentiment distribution. Highlights notable positive and negative trends.
  2. Competitor Benchmarking Report:

    Compares your reputation metrics against competitors, providing insights into areas of strength and potential areas for improvement.
  3. Sentiment Analysis Heatmap:

    Visualizes sentiment distribution across different products, services, or locations, helping you identify areas of excellence and areas that need attention.
  4. Top Performing Reviews Report:

    Highlights the reviews that receive the most engagement, showcasing positive customer experiences that can be leveraged for marketing purposes.
  5. Conversion Impact Analysis:

    Tracks the correlation between positive reviews and conversion rates, demonstrating the direct impact of a strong online reputation on business performance.
  6. Review Response Time Trends:

    Displays the average response time to customer reviews over specific periods, helping you optimize your customer engagement strategy.
  7. Keyword Trend Analysis:

    Tracks the popularity of specific keywords or phrases in customer reviews, providing insights into evolving customer preferences and concerns.
  8. Social Media Engagement Report:

    Measures the engagement of your reviews across various social media platforms, helping you understand which channels are most effective in amplifying your brand’s positive image.

Reputation Bolt’s Analytics and Reporting features empower you with actionable insights, enabling data-driven decision-making to enhance your online reputation and overall business success.

Most frequently asked questions

Choose Reputation Bolt and unlock the full potential of your online reputation. Because when your reputation is strong, your business is stronger.

What is Reputation Bolt?

Reputation Bolt is a comprehensive online reputation management platform that empowers businesses to effortlessly manage, generate, market, and analyze reviews from one centralized interface. Our intuitive tools and services are designed to enhance your brand's digital presence and credibility.

How does Reputation Bolt help manage reviews?

Our platform allows you to consolidate reviews from various sources, making it easy to manage and respond to feedback efficiently. The centralized system simplifies the review management process, saving you time and effort.

How does the review analysis feature work?

Reputation Bolt provides in-depth analysis tools, offering insights into customer sentiment and market trends. This data-driven approach allows you to make informed decisions for continuous improvement and strategic planning.

Is Reputation Bolt suitable for businesses of all sizes?

Yes, our user-friendly and intuitive interface makes Reputation Bolt accessible to businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a small local business or a large enterprise, our customizable solutions cater to your unique needs.